
Bad Month

Well what can I say? I’m really hoping that September is a better month. The first thing to go wrong was my ‘Million Dollar Hilux’; The motor blow up. After a week of cursing and swearing I had it booked in to be rebuilt. On my home from dropping off Hilux I dropped my phone and the screen smashed, so here I still am using a 1940’s mobile phone (monochrome screen). Then to top matters off my PC crashed on me and I lost everything and a lot of it wasn’t backed up. Guess I only have myself to blame there. Now nearing the end of August things are starting to look up again, I have the Hilux back, my PC is up and running again and now just waiting on Optus to give me my phone back. Once I get the phone back and hopefully nothing has been deleted off it, I’ll put up the photo of my wrecked motor.