Monthly Archives: March 2012

Another Crash Landing

Rebuild No 1

Crashed (again)

On this fine labour day public holiday, myself and Goose went down the park to fly our aircraft’s. The weather a little windy, but I wont blame that on my poor piloting skills. I got Goose to hand launch my stinger 64 for me, and that was great. I could fly it straight (lol), but when it came to turning it I seemed to be putting it into the ground, and because it was airborne, the crashes were a little more damaging. We didn’t get any video unfortunately because by the time Goose hand launched it and got to the camera it was already in pieces. On the other hand Goose managed to fly both his quadcopters without any damage. I think he will be posting some footage of that tonight on his website We met another fellow RC fan out there who also took a chopper and a plane. He flew both of those without any problems either. For me it’s back to the garage and rebuild, yet again.

Helicopters & Fingers don’t mix

My Sexy Finger

It seems I’ve done it again. Just another excuse not to put this bird in the air. Silly me put my fingers into the blades. ‘Why’ some would ask, ‘why not’ is my answer. Well at least there is an answer to why not, and that answer would be 3 stitches in the left index finger. I hit a main vein and it would not stop bleeding. Luckily Goose lives just around the corner and gave me a lift to the doctors, So big cheers to goose, and more cheers for the photo lol.


In Pieces 🙁

Lol … I think this is the only way to start this post. Well I finally built up enough courage to take my new jet, Stinger 64, down the park for it’s maiden flight. As soon as I got down there I saw that there was no one there, and that was what I was after the most. Without further hesitation I turned it all on and hand launched it. It lasted two seconds in the air. At first I thought it didn’t have enough guts behind the motor, so I hand launched it again and it still didn’t want to stay in the air. Instead it dragged itself around the oval, which did look funny, but still I wanted air action. Once again I hand launched it and aimed it a little higher into the sky and held back on the elevator. It seemed to belt straight down into the ground which I thought was odd … until I looked at the transmitter and noticed that the elevator switch was reversed, and I really, really should have looked at the rest of the switches, because they were reversed too! Anyway I thought I would give it one last launch now that the elevator was fixed. It didn’t last long in the air again and dragged along the ground until it caught some oncoming wind and took off, which was great, except the ailerons were reversed too. Bang was the next noise I heard.

Ahh well, I have learnt a few lessons and I hope to rebuild it to get some air time out of it. The main thing is I had fun.


Blade MSR

Damn. I’ve been waiting nearly 2 weeks for my new carbon fiber landing gear, and new tail boom for my Blade MSR, and I got them today … Yay. You would think, cool, flights all afternoon. No, num nuts here left the battery charger on for nearly 2 weeks and has puffed the batteries. They are wrecked, I could barely fit them into where they are meant to go and they just don’t hold a proper charge. They do weird things so it’s time to throw them in the bin and buy some new ones on eBay.