Monthly Archives: November 2011

Cup Day Weekend 2011




Just before I got her stuck

wet camp

It was hard to keep the fire going

Warmin' Up

Got fire going first

Its the first long weekend in 5 months and the boys are keen to get out and play in the mud with their big toys. Unfortunately it rained and it rained. Just like last years cup day weekend. Still you can’t let a little water get in the way of a trip out into the bush. This trip took us down to the tanjil river ( about 30 mins past Noojee). The river was quite high when we crossed it on the first day and continued to rise over the weekend. This is where Bushy did some damage to his 100 series, a CV we think. Dan needed to head into Moe to get some more supplies for the kids, so followed him to the road and then turned back. I was meant to go straight back the way we come. That way if anything went wrong with my vehicle I would just wait til Dan got back and then we could figure it out from there. But “No” i saw that special track with a rainbow and promised pot of gold at the end. I can giggle now, I got 10 mins down the track and then I got stuck and needed a winch out. Which was cool because I had just put a winch on my truck. How ever I needed to be winched from the back. Luckily for me I was near mobile reception and could ring Dan and told him the problem. A couple of hours later, we were all sitting around the campfire and drinking our favourite poisons. Overall tho we all still had a great time and hanging for the next trip.