Monthly Archives: January 2012

ABS Is Working


In the garage.


Jacked up.


Black cap... not gray.


Hub off.


Next project.

What a day. Finally fixed my abs problem on the commodore. The problem wasn’t me thank god, it was the fact that the sales assistant gave me the incorrect one. I needed the hub with the black dust cap. So it was just a case of taking the wheel off, hopefully for the last time in a while, and popping the new hub on. The test drive proved successful. I found a small oil under the car so that will be my next mission.

Nearly Complete


Hk 450 gt

“About bloody time” some would say. Yes it was half my fault, I got lazy, but the instructions were a nightmare. Most of the later stages of this build were logical guess work. There is still a little bit more to do but that can wait til tomorrow now. Til then.